FUTURA’s highest and best use platform also considers self-storage facilities a key asset class to own and operate. This great asset class and product type has strengthened over the past few years driven by strong socio-economic factors that continue to positively guide real estate developers in the integration of quality self-storage facilities within neighborhoods. Self-storage facilities present a great long-term investment opportunity because of lifestyle choices by millennials and baby boomers and effects from Baby Boomers continuing to downsize, but also because of the typical life changing evens like divorce, deaths within a family, household downsizing, also coupled with the fact that many businesses use self-storage facilities for overflow or medical record storage.
FUTURA works to identify niche sub-markets with a great story that generate steady population growth, driving increase demand in residential rental units, with rising per capita disposable income and relocation numbers. Moreover, historical demand for self-storage units also increases with rising levels of consumer confidence and spending; plus, these facilities require very few employees to manage pushing overhead costs lower and increasing the potential for a higher return on investment. Consequently, making this asset class a sustainable and profitable economic strategy for neighborhoods and investors alike.

The creation of quality multi-story self-storage facilities allows FUTURA to properly integrate itself into established neighborhood communities with an architectural character that supports and enhances communities. This third-generation storage system can be constructed within multi-level buildings that look more like office buildings, with ground-floor retail and amenities such as WIFI, coffee bars, general business center and shipping services.
General benefits of investing in multi-story self-story buildings allow FUTURA the ability to:
- Build higher end building structures within a reduced land area
- Get more efficiency and rentable space by stacking spaces vertically
- Build within economically established and socially thriving neighborhood communities
- Build within market driven demand factors that generate premium rental rates
- Better in-fill locations with easier access and higher security options
- Building secured structures with modern systems and climate-controlled units
- More aesthetically pleasing architecture and urban/suburban character
- Ideal for areas with higher land values and population growth potential
- Creation of iconic urban structures to empower destinations and neighborhood centers